Leadership make or break an organisation...
Based on 20 questions completed in 5 minutes, the LiA Leadership Audit supports Trusts to check-in with 100 leaders to see how well they feel the organisation is managing change.
These results are also reported by the CQC 5 domains
Triangulating CQC inspection ratings, with what staff and leaders say, takes the leadership 'radar screen' to a new level in the NHS, not only as proactive preparation for our response to CQC inspections, but as a key element of being a ‘well led’ organisation.
- You identify 100 leaders you want to check-in with
- Your CEO asks them to respond via email, phone or tablet
- Responses are completely anonymous
- Once you have 100 responses, we send you a report showing your results by the CQC 5 domains
- You can compare these results over time and benchmark them against other similar organisations