Leadership make or break an organisation...

Based on 20 questions completed in 5 minutes, the LiA Leadership Audit supports Trusts to check-in with 100 leaders to see how well they feel the organisation is managing change.

These results are also reported by the CQC 5 domains

Triangulating CQC inspection ratings, with what staff and leaders say, takes the leadership 'radar screen' to a new level in the NHS, not only as proactive preparation for our response to CQC inspections, but as a key element of being a ‘well led’ organisation.


  • You identify 100 leaders you want to check-in with
  • Your CEO asks them to respond via email, phone or tablet
  • Responses are completely anonymous
  • Once you have 100 responses, we send you a report showing your results by the CQC 5 domains
  • You can compare these results over time and benchmark them against other similar organisations

"A powerful force for cultural change"

Alwen Williams, Chief Executive

"The beauty is that it is extremely quick and easy to use, and provides such a clear insight"

Julian Emms, Chief Executive

"This is real staff engagement. It feels different. It feels punchy. It feels great"

Dr Esther Waterhouse, Consultant in Palliative Medicine

"Moving to this Trust has been a huge breath of fresh air"

Steph Colbourn, F2 Junior Doctor

"An invaluable, real time view of how our staff feel, and a baseline against which we review progress"

John Goulston, Chief Executive

"LiA really has developed me into the person and the nurse I am today"

Sarah Watkins, Ward Sister

"Our staff feel energised and empowered by the LiA approach"

Dr Judith Graham, Queen’s Nurse and Advanced Nurse Consultant

"A healthy workforce starts with an LiA Pulse Check"

Debbie Herring, HR Director

"Magic Dust"

John Adler, Chief Executive

"Patients are happier, there are fewer complaints and we spend less time on the phone explaining to patients what the inefficiencies are"

Lee Parker, Orthopaedic Consultant Surgeon